Recycling & Selling Old iPhones, Cellphones and Devices

Now that the holidays have past and people have gotten used to their new devices, it’s time to consider what to do with the old ones. Tossing old electronics in the trash is terrible for the environment and completely unnecessary because there are much better alternatives for disposing of unwanted devices.

Before doing anything else with an old device be sure your personal information is removed. Once you’re sure it’s cleared, you can choose the best option depending on the condition, age, and potential of the device.

1. First

You have the option to look for a new cell phone on the market every year, now with the brand new iPhone model coming out every year. However, the rising prices of new iPhone & iPhone repair prices sometimes direct users to go for ‘refurbished phones’, especially local ‘refurbished cell phones’ sellers have been the number one choice for new generation iPhone buyers. At VLG CPR, we provide local “Dallas, Fort Worth refurbished iPhone selection” to our customers. Our prices have been selected as the most reasonable prices within the Dallas area.

2. Second

You can always use our “trade-in” program to easily trade in your old used cell phone, and gain store credit within VLG, to get instant cash plus a new refurbished cell phone from our store with the trust of VLG.

3. Third

You can sell it. Amazon will buy many used devices and pay with Amazon gift cards. Gazelle is a national company that will buy used phones and computers for cash. Other possibilities are eBay, Craigslist, or a local Facebook seller’s page.

4. Lastly

You can recycle it. If a device is broken beyond repair, old enough that no one else wants it, or just past its usefulness, you have a responsibility to dispose of it properly. Most devices are not safe to simply throw in the trash, due to substances like lead, mercury, and lithium that are used in making the device and its battery. Instead of just tossing it in the trash, give it to one of many places that take old devices and dispose of them. Options include electronic stores like Best Buy, wireless providers, some grocery stores like Whole Foods, even some public libraries have cell phone & small electronics recycling bins. If none of these options are available in your area, a local recycling center can also take old electronics.

Whatever you decide to do, please remember to be responsible when disposing of old devices and don’t simply throw them in the trash.